Thursday 17 March 2011

Wave 3 Bhuddism

(level interest 2)
Why? Probably the most dangerious question known to man kind. For instance, if someone discovers something and shows it to others, the most asked question to their theory would be why. Just because one person understands soemthing, doesn't mean they can teach to another that easily. The question why is that one word that can be used after a long paragraph of explaining, that can actually make you sound smart. It is the question Confucians asked the Bhuddists on hearing the idea of reincarnation and it is my favorite word in Chemistry class. The Bhuddism start a long time ago in India, by a man named Sidartha. He based many of the religion's ideas off of Hinduism such as: reincarnation and nirvana. For those of you who dont know, Reincarnation is the belife that a person will be reborn after death and Nirvana is when they have escaped the rebirthing cycle. Confucian ideas are practicing rituals, doing youre duty, and becoming a spirit after death as someone's ancestors. A big "WTF?" came up when the Confucians were told you rebirth and, like most of us would if we were given a new idea, asked why. Many people beleived in Bhuddism because it gave rights to women, non Chinese enjoyed it because did not have to be Chinese to rule and get power over the people, it helped the miserable during the time of war, but most of all it gave reassurance to those who were scared a strong asnwer to the question, "what happens after you die"? The time of Bhuddism was like Newton's law: all that goes up must come down. The Bhodavistava, monks who declined Nirvana to help others get in, had too much influence over the people. This time could be strongly compared to the influence the Christian Chruch had over Europe. The monasteries weren't taxed, much like the Churches. Culturally: people had to give up their names, shave their heads, and become selebet. This was a major problem against the Confucians, becuse they took great pride in their familes and earsing their names and become selebet was like the bully kicking sand into that tradition's face. Also much land was taken up by these monasteries and there wasn't enough room for Confucian Night clubs, Confucain recreation centers, or Confucian movie teathers. The main treath to the emperor was, the Bhuddists did not beleive in Emperor worship, so they could easily rebell with their growing numbers.

 Bhuddist Monastery

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