Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Deng and Tianamin Square

I dont disagree with  Deng's actions on Tianamin Square, because i can see it through his eyes. If someone looks up to you (in this case Russia), then at all costs you want them to think your the best and to keep following. Deng did seem to be a fair and down to earth man, and since he was i dont beleive he would warn the people first. I think he asked to leave kindly, but when matters escalated thats when he had to strike. Plus the civilians were starting fires in the streets, and the more they werent working the more the Chinese government lost money. Not to mention the fact that Deng made some major economic reforms and cared for the peoples well being, so what more would they want to protest about? Deng changed the constitutiion into a "social ecnonomic market", so it wasnt a full fledge communist country. I dont understand what the students would want to protest about, since i beleive they were living perfectly good lives. Also THEY are just students, they haven't faced the Hell known to us as "real world". Some countries had it much worse than China, and were not considered among one of the worlds largest economies, in my opinion they should have the right to protest. It is like that here, when i am in a taxi, i tend to talk to the Taxi driver as i get easily bored. I have learned that many of them enjoy hating on the Singaporean governement always saying that "trafic is too long" or "how the Government gives us no rights." Yes, i have heard it all before and in the back of my mind i dont know weather i should be pissed at them or laugh. I want to say "dude, come to Mumbai and experience waiting in trafic for 2 and half hours, and sudenly realising your in a land where the government has  scammed away all your national pride." In conclusion, i dont think Deng would have instantly gone to "lets kill them" i think i am not hearing the full story.

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