Wednesday 18 May 2011

Deng and Tianamin Square

I dont disagree with  Deng's actions on Tianamin Square, because i can see it through his eyes. If someone looks up to you (in this case Russia), then at all costs you want them to think your the best and to keep following. Deng did seem to be a fair and down to earth man, and since he was i dont beleive he would warn the people first. I think he asked to leave kindly, but when matters escalated thats when he had to strike. Plus the civilians were starting fires in the streets, and the more they werent working the more the Chinese government lost money. Not to mention the fact that Deng made some major economic reforms and cared for the peoples well being, so what more would they want to protest about? Deng changed the constitutiion into a "social ecnonomic market", so it wasnt a full fledge communist country. I dont understand what the students would want to protest about, since i beleive they were living perfectly good lives. Also THEY are just students, they haven't faced the Hell known to us as "real world". Some countries had it much worse than China, and were not considered among one of the worlds largest economies, in my opinion they should have the right to protest. It is like that here, when i am in a taxi, i tend to talk to the Taxi driver as i get easily bored. I have learned that many of them enjoy hating on the Singaporean governement always saying that "trafic is too long" or "how the Government gives us no rights." Yes, i have heard it all before and in the back of my mind i dont know weather i should be pissed at them or laugh. I want to say "dude, come to Mumbai and experience waiting in trafic for 2 and half hours, and sudenly realising your in a land where the government has  scammed away all your national pride." In conclusion, i dont think Deng would have instantly gone to "lets kill them" i think i am not hearing the full story.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Comparison between pages 39-41 and To Live

 In the movie, the man who the mute girl married in the movie, was true Communist with a limb leg. When he came to the town to fix all the things that needed fixing, he also drew pictures of Mao everywhere. People loved him, and respected him as a family member. They bowed to him before sleeping and prayed to him when the awoke. Also after the  daughter had gotten married, the man who killed the son bought the family a picture of the honorable Chairman as a congratulation present. Mao was seen from the peasants and towns people as a basic god, but not all saw him in such a way. The Red Guards who were an army had now occupied most of the cities and were using violence to get their way; the government offten disarmed them and sent them down South to learn from the poor peasants. Maos main focus was the youth to acclaim his power back, so many of them were in the army before finishing school that it was said in 1981 most of the people under 45 were illiterate. If the boy was still alive in the movie, i think he would have been selected to be in the army as well. Someone else who had lost trust in Mao was Liu, infact he came up with an assassination attempt called Project 571 but was discovered in the last minute and Lui fled the country.

Monday 9 May 2011

Comparison between the China Since 1900 and To Live

China back then had many problems with the government, the economy, and the general population. The government was Communist, and i am not saying that is a bad thing; in India there is a state named Kerla. This state is fully Communist, but it is the highest literate state in India and is also one of the largest domestic markets. It is clean and one of the best places India has to offer, and why because the government is Communist and makes all the right decisions. I back up the idea of Communism, but i think the only reason it can never work is because of man's greed. In the movie, the government killed the man simply because he was rich. But i belive, the government kept some rich people alive, because they needed people with jobs other than farming to strengthan the economy. Most of the people living in China at the time were farmers or towns people whose main industry was agriculture, but now China is the main industry just about anything. The population in 1982 was in the 1 billions, and the future predictors realised that if birth rates like this contine most of the familes will live in hardship and poverty. The Chinese came up with the one child system, and this prohibits every family to only having one baby. If they followed the rule, the family would get rewarded somehow by the government. This wasn't fully a good idea, because in Chinese tradtion males are more importan than females, so baby girls were often murdered after birth, and thus not breaking the rule. Another big problem that China was having was their neighboring countries. They broke ties with USSR, becuase they wanted make better relations with capitalist countries. This break up later lead to a war with Vietnam, because China did not want Vietnam to get to strong because they had a treaty with USSR. Also, since they invaded Tibet and kicked out the Dali Lama, things in Tibet werent going to well. The Dali Lama fleed to India. India had always been friendly with China, but now they were mad about the Tibet incident and after a while war was waged. China basically kicked our asses. China was growing stronger and making more improvements with themselves as the economy strengthened, education got better, and the army was very strong.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Ming Song and Qing Song

The original song i coppied to write my version is 12:51 by The Strokes. If you would like to listen to the song, please click the link: Yes this is one of the best songs i have heard, because it is soo chill. Now keep in mind i am no song writer, so this is probably not a master piece, but i put effort and i love music. And when you see this symbol "-" it means that the word is supposed to be extended.

12:51 by the Strokes
Talk to me now I'm older
your friend told you 'cause I told her
Friday nights have been lonely
Change your plans and then phone me. (Verse 1)

We could go and get 40s (Verse 2)
Forget goin' to that party
Oh really, your folks are away now?
Alright, let's go, you convinced me.

12:51 is the time my voice
Found the words i sought...
Is it this stage I want?

The world is shutting out...for us.
We were tense for sure,
But we was confident... (Verse 3)

Kiss me now that I'm older
I won't try to control you
Friday nights have been lonely
Take it slow but don't warn me (verse 4)

We'd go out and get 40s
Then we'd go to some party
Oh really, your folks are away now?
Alright I'm coming...

I'll be right there. (Verse 5)

1368 by the Artist Formally Known as Murli

(Verse 1) The world is getting much smaller.

Wave 3 is over so Ming’s here.

Red turbans gain all the power.

Millenarianism at its finest.

(Verse 2)Hongwu comes from the darkness,

Emperor of the Red Turbans.

Kicked out all the mon-gols,

Also survived the black plague.

(Verse 3)1368 is when Ming was born,

New wave started well,

But ended horribly-

Zheng He explored the world… 7 times.

Brought peace to all,

And he was confident…

(Verse 4) Now we talk about Yongle,

Known for renovating the Great Wall.

Also had a grand encyclopedia.

Europe starts their explorations.

(Verse 5) Big fans of the tribute system,

Asia was their vassal states.

Ricci’s in the Ming court now,

The Portuguese just took Macao.

The Qing’s comin' soon.

This next gift to the ears is coppied by Nirvana's famous song: Smells Like Team Spirit. For those of you who are reading this, and have never heard this song... please stop living under a rock and get a good taste of music. Never fear though, here is the link: Your welcome. If Kurt were still alive, im sure he would appriciate my effort, but you know, now one beats Nirvana. Again, this "-" means extend the word. Please enjoy my song, Smells Like Team Europe.

Smells Like Team Spirit by Nirvana
Load up on guns (Verse 1)
Bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's overborne and self-assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?  (Chorus 1)
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello

With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido

I'm worse at what I do best (Verse 2)
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low? (Chorus 2)
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello

With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido

And I forget just why I taste(Verse 3)
Oh yeah I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard it's hard to find
Oh well whatever nevermind
(Chorus 2)
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, hello, hello

With the Lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now entertain us
A mullato an albino
A mosquito my libido
A denial x9 (Line 4)

Smells Like Team Europe by Murli Mahesh

(Verse 1)Now it’s 164-4
Kangxi will rule for ever more.
Made sure that Christians din’ stay,
For they wa-nted China; their own way.
That’s right, get lost, now please just go? (Chorus 1)
I’ll Ma-ke it clear, so listen bro.
Ance-ster worship can never go.
No no, no no, no no, no no!

Now you want to, try and change us
Boy you’re acting, pretty brainluss
I feel outraged cuz you’re treacherous
Controversy go to hell now!
Confucian values,

 are essential,
Maybe someday,

you’ll respect them. Yeah!

McCartney came, as Qia-n long ruled, (Verse 2) 
 he was Kangxi’s favorite grandson.
New ports and embassies was the mix.
Cause they got screwed over in 177-6.
Say no, say no, oh please say no. (Chorus 2)
Say no, say no, oh please no.
Say no, say no, oh please say no.
Say no, say no, say no!

Canton System. They don’t like it!
Maybe someday. They’ll abide it!
Bring the drugs in. We don’t want it!
Commissioner Lin. Throw it over!
Get addicted,

 break our law-s,
Show your flaws,

 useless wars. Yeah!

(Epic guitar solo) ....

Bring opium, and a smiley face, (Verse 3)  
If we don’t agree then destroy our race.
Start this war, put us in our place.
1840 was a year of disgrace.
Nanjing, Nanjing, unequal treaties (Chorus 3)
Nanjing, Nanjing, open more ports
Nanjing, Nanjing, Nanjing

Within China, Rebellions started!
Man those Taiping, were retarted!
Baby Jesus, or the savior!
Killed in millions, for 14 ye-ars!
Start a new war,

in 1860-!
Tianjin treaty,

legalize it! Yeah!

(Line 4)
1.)    Crazy Movements!
2.)    All failed!
3.)    Japanese war!
4.)    1894!
5.)    New reforms!
6.)    Cixi’s rule!
7.)    Boxer fight!
8.)    Of 1900s!
9.)    End the Qing!

Just for a treat, if you watched the link and liked the song press the link below. If you didnt like the song, and prefer someone more softer like Miley Cyrus press the the link below. Compare.
 If you laughed, good job, and if you were apualed at this than high five.